Virginia Barber, MD
Virginia G. Barber, M.D. is a gynecology practice located in Waynesboro, Virginia. They help, support and provide healthcare to women of all ages. Their focus is on creating a comfortable, private space, where women can receive experienced, personal care.
We designed a fresh, modern website to better serve her existing patients, as well as new patients. We also helped Dr. Barber with her online presence on Google My Business. The new website also features an easy-to-use editor that Dr. Barber can use to make changes in the future.
Do you need a fresh website? If so, give us a call at 434-973-7375.
client comments
"Becky and Chris are utterly professional and delightful people! They run a very efficient business which involves balancing their own great ideas with the wishes of their clients. They maneuver that delicate line with finesse! I would highly recommend them."
— Dr. Virginia Barber, Owner